Wednesday, February 15, 2006

side effect decluttering - The Chair is A Chair!!

Well, I didn't plan this, but in working on the hearth o'clutter yesterday, I had to move other things and put things away and consolidate and one thing led to another and.....voila! Two more energy-sucking clutter spots have vanished!

The Chair

I have to say I feel sort of sad that it is now A Chair That Was A Closet That Was A Filing Cabinet and not nearly so interesting.

But it had to be done. Right???

Oh, I had brief moments of crazy-thinking that I could somehow preserve it, make it a real art installation (as someone mentioned to me). But where would it go? And most of the Stuff on it was Stuff I use regularly and need - my monthly bills files, important papers for my mother and son, my winter coat and scarves, my shoes for goodness' sake! - just parked there because all the appropriate and convenient places are respositories of Stuff I Don't Use and Need.

(Incidentally, that shawl on The Chair is the first fiber thing I ever actually completed and wore - crocheted, 1971 acrylic, made while awaiting the birth of my first child.)

Here's the second clutter spot that bit the dust yesterday:
The Ottoman
Magazines, magazines, magazines,
knitting, knitting, knitting,
books, books, books,notebooks
pens, bits of notes, bits of yarn and fuzz

(before) (d'uh)

et apres:

I need say no more about The Ottoman, except that it's really nice actually to put my feet up when I sit in My Big Fat Chair! on the decluttering agenda, finish the hearth o'clutter (half-time picture in the previous post below shows current state of the project) and catch up with paperwork, get it more organized. Now that won't be so visible a project to document in pictures.

I put all the paper stuff from The Chair into a file box, and right now it sits at the dining table where I am forced to work on paperwork until I can get a desk area cleared off somewhere else:I shall try very, I will keep the dining table neat and orderly and work to create (ASAP) a better, easy-t0-maintain system elsewhere for dealing with life's damnably necessary paperwork.

Finally - I'm gonna take care of this spot toute de suite,
since I'm unearthing all sorts of things I want to iron or do finishing work on - my pie wedge shawl, and the sweetest bluebird-embroidered cloth I got on eBay ages ago. It had been languishing, un-admired and un-enjoyed, at the bottom of the Chair-Closet...

It will probably be a couple of days before I post here again, as I've got to take care of that paperwork and I also want to work on some art.

I feel like I've made a great start on what I expect to be a project that will take me a year (!), though I have a secret goal of finishing this by my 55th birthday at the end of September. My first priority has been to make some space where I can actually relax and not feel all those pulsating waves of guilt that emanate from clutter-spots. And it feels very good to have done that!


Blogger ramblingmuse said...

Hey there.

You look like you're making good progress! Way to go!

I'm still working on mine...bit by bit...


Seems like it's taking *forever*!!

Keep at it!

12:41 AM, February 16, 2006  
Blogger Jackie said...

De-cluttering does take forever. It is something that you need to do for the rest of your life. The first step, that Zann is taking, is to find a place for everything and then put all of those everythings in their place. Easier said than done. Zann, you are doing an incredible job!

The hard part that lasts the rest of your life is not slipping back into the " I'll just put this here and put it away later" way of thinking things. DH does that on a regular basis and he still has things to deal with from 10 years ago. Sigh.

Putting things away 'now' is something that I still struggle to do, but the good news is that once everything has a place, it is much easier to stop clutter before it gets too bad and quickly put everything away.

7:27 AM, February 16, 2006  
Blogger 'Zann said...

Yup -it's always the maintenance that is the problem. I'm committed to changing my lifelong pattern, though. And it really does help to keep the ultimate purpose of this in mind - the creative work I want to accomplish and the environment I long to relax and work in.

Thanks for checking in and commenting! It sure helps to keep me going.

11:37 AM, February 16, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey I am just catching up with your blog and the clearing of the chair in 2006. How's it going these days. I feel inspired by your blog and not so alone.

1:27 AM, June 04, 2009  
Blogger 'Zann said...

How's it going? Well, a whole lot has happened in the last 3 years and my life turned upside down. The Chair gets cluttered up again and again. It's life!

I think I'm in a pretty good place right now - a lot of my decluttering you see here stuck, a lot didn't.

I just keep on trying. I plan to update the blog soon.
Thanks for looking in and best of luck on your own journey!

9:32 AM, June 04, 2009  

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